mCherry mRNA (unmodified)

mCherry is a red fluorescent protein derived from DsRed, engineered for brightness, stability, and quick maturation in cells. Encoded by mCherry mRNA, it absorbs at 587 nm and emits at 610 nm, with excellent resistance to photobleaching. Widely used in gene delivery, mCherry allows precise tracking of gene expression dynamics using standard fluorescence techniques like microscopy and flow cytometry.
Croyez’s mCherry mRNAs was generated through in vitro transcription, and these mRNAs are then fortified at their 5' end by modified nucleotide capping, known as Cap1. To mimic the characteristics of fully processed mature mRNAs, we incorporate a poly(A) tail at the 3' end and optimize the mRNAs to enhance stability and overall performance. This ensures that the mRNAs function similarly to naturally occurring mature mRNAs in cells.
No. Size Price Qty Status
CR00019-100UG 100 ug $400.00 Inquiry
CR00019-1MG 1 mg - Inquiry
The price does not include shipping fee and tax. Order Request Quote
mRNA Length:
1078 nt

Base Composition:
Unmodified bases

1.0 mg/ mL

Cap Modification:
Cap 1 structure

Poly A Tail:


1 mM sodium citrate buffer, pH 6.4.

Products can be stored at -80°C or below.
We recommend to aliquot the mRNA solution for a better storage. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles.

The products are shipped on dry ice and should be avoided for freeze-thaw cycles.

Reporter Genes

Shipping Conditions:
Dry ice

293T cells were transfected with 1 ug mCherry mRNA. 293T cells expressed mCherry (red) after 24 h transfection. The images were obtained from fluorescence microscope.
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